Latest Updates

School Closure - Heavy snowfall forecast

Dear Parents,


Please take note that our centres might be CLOSED tomorrow (November 29, 2022) due to the weather conditions.

Environment Canada has issued a winter storm warning. Snowfall warnings are expected.

Do check our website tomorrow from 6.45am for updates. If we do decide to close the centre, you will receive an email from us.

Stay warm and stay safe.



The Management of Canyon Springs Montessori 




Winter Break

Dear Parents,


Our Winter Vacation (school closure) this year will be from December 26th until January 2nd. School will reopen on January 3rd, 2023.

Happy Holiday!


The Management Team

Winter Storm - Daycare CLOSURE

Dear Parents,

Our daycare is CLOSED today (January 6th, 2022) due to Winter storm warning.

Stay safe and warm today.

Continue to monitor the weather conditions and from our daycare website tomorrow morning for more updates.


Thank you.

