The Montessori Method of Education

Dr. M. Montessori

"The preschool aged child can learn more easily and efficiently than at any later period of life."

The Montessori Method strives to help children to:

  • Develop fine sensory-motor coordination;
  • Discover the fun of achieving and doing things "by myself";
  • Improve self-confidence and skills in independent learning;
  • Develop habits of initiative, persistence and a sense of order;
  • Sharpen the ability to perceive, observe and judge more accurately; Experience happiness in learning and fostering creativity;
  • Acquire habits of concentration and positive self-image;
  • Develop an abiding curiosity to learn and for sensitivity to others;
  • Develop the foundations for success in reading, writing and arithmetic.

(Source: American Montessori Society, Parents Manual)

In summary, the Montessori Method is designed to better prepare children for a life in a rapidly changing society.

For more detailed information on the Montessori Method, we recommend the following books:

  • Maria Montessori, The Secret of Childhood, New York: Ballantine Books, 1966.
  • Paula Polk Lillard, Montessori A Modern Approach, New York: Schockten books, 1972.
  • R.C. Orem, Montessori Today, New York: G.P. Putman Sons, 1971.